Samhaintide Devotional

Dear Friends,

As I’ve already mentioned I view the entire time between Halloween and the astronomical Samhain (November 7th this year in many locations) as a sort of contemporary and personal festival blending both the the remembrance of Ancestral and Honored and Beloved Dead with a celebration of wonder and spooky stories and magick and childhood; I strive to combine the best elements of Halloween and Samhain in a week or so of wonder and remembrance.

So one year, inspired by the spirit or Spirits I created a filk

“It’s the Most Magickal Time of The Year”

by Pax (With apologies to Eddie Pola, and George Wyle, and, of course, Andy Williams)

It’s the most magickal time of the year
With the kids trick-or-treating
And everyone telling you “Spirits are Near”
It’s the most magickal time of the year
It’s the spook-spookiest season of all
With candy filled greetings and gay happy meetings
When Ancestors come to call
It’s the spook-spookiest season of all

There’ll be parties for hosting
Family Feasts for the Roasting
And acres of candy you know
There’ll be scary ghost stories
And tales of the glories of Samhains long, long ago

It’s the most magickal time of the year
There’ll be memorial toasting
And hearts will be glowing
When love ones are near
It’s the most magickal time of the year

There’ll be parties for hosting
Feasts for the Roasting
And acres of candy you know
There’ll be scary ghost stories
And tales of the glories of Samhains long, long ago

It’s the most magickal time of the year
There’ll be memorial toasting
And hearts will be glowing
When love ones are near
It’s the most magickal time
It’s the most magickal time
It’s the most magickal time
It’s the most magickal time of the year!

… the scansion is a bit rough perhaps in places but the tune is familiar enough that most folks can work it out, or at least I can.

So I am working on another filk, of I Saw Three Ships, and it occurred to me that others might want to join in the fun…originally I was going to issue a Filk challenge.  Then I realized I was thinking too small…

I am feeling moved  to edit and publish a Samhain/Halloween Devotional. with a blend of song filks and poetry and articles and recipes and remembrances about Halloween and Samhain.   If folks like this idea, I’d like to suggest donating the proceeds to a worthy cause?

If this project interests you, feel free to e-mail me at

samhainhalloween (at )

(just replace the word “at” with the proper sign and scrunch the address together to e-mail me, or failing that post a reply and I’ll invite you to join the group!)


Pax / Geoffrey Stewart

PS- this post is now “stuck” on my front page of the blog… feel free to help spread the word y’all.


POST POST-Script, so not a lot of action on this idea, I may have to shelve it… post a comment to this post if you are interested in the project…


2 thoughts on “Samhaintide Devotional

  1. Jon

    I saw three ghosts come floating in
    On Samhain day…on samhain day
    I saw three ghosts come floating in
    On Samhain Day in the evening.

So what do you think?! Opinions? Ideas? Beuller... Bueller?!