So Pagans care about our ethics and values and virtues!

Dear Pagani!

So far about 20 people have confirmed their participation for International Pagan Values Blogging Month between the two relevant comments sections, and some private e-mails…

Also, Yewtree has asked those participating in International Pagan Values Blogging Month to share their posts on MetaPagan... and suggested a topic thread!

“We might do well to consider the questions raised by T Thorn Coyle in her series of posts about sexual ethics and consent.

“What do you think about your own relationship to sex? To magic? To life force? To our process? To mistakes? To feet of clay? To your own regrets? To the sacred? To teaching our children?”

If you participate in this synchroblog, please post your contribution to MetaPagan – you can use the tag metapagan.ethics (not quite the same as values but the nearest tag we’ve got).”

I am already working on a Sacred Sexuality post, and more general one on My own continuing Journey with the 8 Virtues of Witchcraft, and am contemplating a couple of others…  I am also eagerly looking forward to the posts and participation next month!!

Peace all,


One thought on “So Pagans care about our ethics and values and virtues!

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